Saturday, August 28, 2010


PE is not as intimidating to teach as many people think. You get to shed the fancy clothes for a day, where sneakers, and play all day. Big advice? Bring a whistle. The first time I subbed in a PE class I didn't have one, and it is hard to shout loud enough for everyone to hear you, you can't turn out the lights to get attention, and the regular tricks don't work. It is just too loud for anyone to hear you clap, sing, etc.

If you don't have PE plans for the day, and the equipment is locked up, which happened to me one day, here is a great idea for a game to play. Sharks, Minnows and Seaweed. Depending on the size of the class, you pick 1 -5 sharks. The day I had no plans and no equipment I was in a middle school with about 50 kids, so we had 5 sharks. Everyone but the sharks lines up on one side of the gym. When you blow the whistle, or shout" SWIM, MINNOWS, SWIM!" They run to the other side of they gym. Anyone who is tagged by the shark becomes seaweed. The seaweed is planted in place, but can reach out to tag and capture minnows who are swimming by. When all the untagged minnows get to the other side, you begin again, but this time they must avoid the sharks and the seaweed. Soon the "sea" is clogged with seaweed and it is very difficult to swim across. The last few players become the sharks for the next round.

This is a great activity. It is fun for Kindergarten through high school. The "out" players are still participating so you don't have any classroom management issues from them. It really gets their heart pumping.

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